3rd/4th of September 2022
-> with a seminar on Friday,2nd of September 2022 presented by Andrii Kravets (1p)

JenTower, 8. Etage
Leutragraben 1
07743 Jena
(see also Anreise)
– 5 rounds MacMahon
– drawing according to EGF rating
– handicap reduced by 2
– Japanese rules
– 1 hour basic time
– byoyomi 20 stones/5 min
– 7 Komi
– in case of being late at your board: clocks will be started by a tournament official 5 min after pairing announcements
– after 15 min, the game will be declared a loss for the missing player
– a tournament official will try to find a new opponent for the waiting player in order to avoid that games are decided by default
– when participating in the tournament, you take note that results and photos will be published online and registered at E.G.D. (European Go Database)
Entry fee
Without pre-registration/reductions | 25 € |
Pre-registration until 19.08 | -5 € |
Member of a national Go federation | -5 € |
Reduced fee (student, trainee, pensioner, unemployed) | -5 € |
Children under 10 and players weaker than 25 kyu | 0 € |
Breakfast on Sunday | 3 € |
17:30 Arrival possible
18:30 Seminar
11:30 Registration closes (accounts fro pre-registered players, too!)
11:45 Opening
12:00 1st round
15:30 2nd round
18:30 3rd round
10:00 4th round
13:00 5th round
Price giving: as soon as possible after round 5
(expected around 16:00)
All prices are set preliminaryly and depend on the number of participants. If <50 participants take part in the tournament, the prices might be adjusted (reduced).
1st place: 200 €
2nd place: 150 €
3rd place: 100 €
20 € each* for:
1st place „Women“
1st place „U18“
1st place „Students“
1st place „55+“
1st place „1-10 kyu“
1st place „11-20 kyu“
1st place „21-30 kyu“
Special prices:
– for 4:1 and 5:0
– best newcomer (never played a tournament before)
– youngest participant
– furthest journey
– consolation prices for 0:5
– Tsumego marathon (see below)
– Rengo tournament (see below)
– for every defeat, a lot with your name is added to the pool
– but max. 1 price per person
* Notes about price giving:
– „1st place“ means the one player who reached the best place within the overall standings, participated in all 5 rounds, and won at least 3 games.
– If there is an overlap (a player wins in more than 1 category), the price of the category mentioned further down in the list will be given to the 2nd place of this catergory (we want that as many participants as possible will gain a price)
-> Example: Player A becomes 1st place within 2 categories: „students“ and „1-9 kyu“. In this case, player A gains the price for the best student but, in the category „1-9 kyu“, the 2nd place gains the price money.
Private accommodation is possible but limited (definitely pre-register until 30.09.2021!). Please bring sleeping bag & mat along with you.
In other respects, there are two youth hostels and several hotels and pensions in Jena. They are all easily accessible with public transport or by foot from the tournament site. You can contact the tournament committee (go-in-jena@gmx.de) for help with bookings etc.
We will provide food and drinks at the tournement site against small contributions to costs. Throughout the day, you can buy bread rolls, cake, and other little snacks. At lunchtime, we will serve chili con carne, vegetarian pasta, and a variety of different salads.
Alternatively, you can find several restaurants and small bistros in the city center.
Breakfast on Sunday
On Sunday, we want to enjoy a relaxing breakfast all together with coffee, tea, cocoa, and bread rolls (all you can eat and drink). If you want to join the Sunday breakfast, don’t forget to purchase a coupon for 3,00 € at the registration desk.
Specials and side events
Seminar on Friday:
We welcome Andrii Kravets (1p) as our special guest. On Friday at 18:30, he will give a seminar for those who are arriving on Friday. The topic has yet to be revealed. Language will be English. The seminar fee is included in the tournament fee and, hence, the seminar is open to all Kreuzschnitt participants.
Catering in the evening will be simple: bread rolls for self-preparation.
Game reviews and live commentary:
Thourhout the week-end, you can ask Andrii Kravents (1p) for reviews of your tournament games and, from time to time, he will give a live commentary about the games at board 1.
Once again, we have lots of Tsumego problems for you. The aim is to solve as many problems as possible. There will be prices for the most solved problems in three different groups: double digit kyu (DDK), single digit kyu (SDK) and dan (DAN).
Saturday Rengo night:
Sponsored by JIGS. Saturday night at 8 p.m.: 3 rounds, 30 min sudden-death, 6.5 komi, full handicap. The first place will be awarded with JIGS vouchers. Registration for the rengo tournament will be on site.
Card and board games (others than Go):
A big box with card- and board-games gives perfect opportunity to overcome the gaps between the rounds and have some fun! 🙂